Wellness Station will always be a safe place for you to visit. We consistently update our practices depending on the latest government guidance, and will always maintain the highest safety protocols to keep all of us well. This relies on all of us working together, below is our community guidelines for the current alert level:
As you enter the studio, the following is expected of you to keep you and our community safe.
Mandatory scanning in via our QR codes, we also have a paper log if you forget your phone
. Mask wearing on entry/mingling in reception - you can remove these whilst exercising if you please.
Hand sanitisation and/or washing on entry.
If you are at all unwell, please reschedule your class or appointment.
We have spaced out our mats and reformer so you can move safely.
Please respect others personal space whilst moving around the reception/studio.
There will be no hands on assists, or props to be used during class.
Teachers will be wearing masks (unless exercising), you can remove your mask when exercising if you wish.
We ask that Yogi's please limit themselves to one class per day due to decreased class numbers.
Mask use for both physiotherapist and patient.
Full sanitise and clean between patients.
Increasing seating space unless hands on treatment is taking place.
We know these changes are going to take a little getting used to, for both us and you! However, Wellness Station will always be a safe space for you to be in, and we ask that you respect these guidelines whilst we are in Level 2.